
Go On A Vision Trip

Join us in Eurasia for 1-4 weeks.

Experience culture, process the call of God on your life and experience what it takes to serve overseas.

Go Study Abroad

Join us in Eurasia for a 6-8 week or a semester long internship.

Dive deeper and leave Eurasia with a basic knowledge of the language, tools to share the Gospel and a clear picture of team life on the field.

Go Serve on a Team

Join a team in Eurasia for 1-11 months. We call this “MAPS.”

Explore the call God has placed on your life. Gain experience with the language, tools to share the Gospel, a clearer picture of life and ministry as part of a team on the field, and a heart for the lost.

Go as an M.A.

Join a team in Eurasia for 1-2 years.

Be an integral part of Kingdom advancement as you work with a team to plant the church among unreached people groups. Grow in your understanding of culture, language, and relationship building while learning to share the Good News with those around you.