
Pray for...

  • peace in the hearts and minds of the Ukrainian people.

  • an end to the invasion - that plans against Ukraine will be disrupted and the bombings will stop.

  • God to move in the hearts of all the leaders and for wisdom.

  • financial assistance to help refugees, the injured, those who have lost jobs, for medical needs, transportation needs, etc...

  • the church to continue to be bold in preaching the gospel, sharing the hope of Jesus and making disciples.

  • new believers and new churches being planted.

  • us as we travel for itineration.

  • our hearts to be sensitive to the Spirit’s guiding and preparation during this time.

  • funds to be supplied for a needed sound system at International Christian Assembly-Kyiv.

  • God's continued blessing on the international church and its outreach endeavors.

  • strength to endure the continued drone attacks.

  • general health and wellness of the Ukrainian people as they endure battle fatigue.

  • the upcoming school year at Kyiv Christian Academy and its director Eric Moore.

  • Eric Moore to be able to find and hire needed staff and teaching personnel.

  • Brad and Gayle's upcoming itineration schedule:

    • New Ulm, MN

    • Greers Ferry, AR

    • Litchfield, MN

    • St. Peter, MN

    • 2 Sectional Ministers Meetings

    • Prayer & Fasting Retreat

    • MN Seniors Retreat

    • The Gathering Community Outreach Event - Robbinsdale, MN