Pray for...
peace in the hearts and minds of the Ukrainian people.
an end to the invasion - that plans against Ukraine will be disrupted and the bombings will stop.
God to move in the hearts of all the leaders and for wisdom.
financial assistance to help refugees, the injured, those who have lost jobs, for medical needs, transportation needs, etc...
the church to continue to be bold in preaching the gospel, sharing the hope of Jesus and making disciples.
new believers and new churches being planted.
us as we travel for itineration.
our hearts to be sensitive to the Spirit’s guiding and preparation during this time.
funds for a Thanksgiving outreach to give 50 children, each a winter coat & shoes and a bible (cost per child is $100).
You can give by clicking this link—add the amount you would like to give, then click “Advanced giving options” and select “50” to give toward Relief funds – all of these dollars will go toward the Thanksgiving outreach.
God's continued blessing on the international church and its outreach endeavors.
strength to endure the continued drone attacks.
general health and wellness of the Ukrainian people as they endure battle fatigue.
the school year at Kyiv Christian Academy and its director Eric Moore.
Gayle began a long-term substitute teaching position that will take her into mid-January. Pray that she will make an impact on this kindergarten class.
Eric Moore to be able to find and hire needed staff and teaching personnel.
Brad and Gayle's upcoming itineration schedule:
11/1 - 11/2 - Hutchinson – Missions Fair
11/2 - Waconia
11/3 - Worthington
11/10 - Goodland & Pengilly
11/17 - Mankato & Waseca Federal Correctional Institution
11/24 - Pillager
Four Sectional Ministers Meetings